How Does Insurance Work for Single-Vehicle Accidents?

About one-third (34%) of traffic incidents in Minnesota in 2022 were single-vehicle accidents, so you must understand what to do when involved in a single-vehicle accident and how insurance coverage works following those incidents. Our team at Pizano Insurance in Wayzata, MN is always here to help you with your insurance needs.

Understanding Fault In Single-Vehicle Accidents

Minnesota is a no-fault state, meaning that economic damages suffered due to the accident may be recovered from the driver’s insurance company. Even though Minnesota is a no-fault state, we still determine who is at fault, even for single-vehicle accidents, because the driver is not necessarily at fault for some or all of the accidents.

In many situations, drivers in single-vehicle accidents bear no or only partial fault. Some of those situations include:

  • Hitting an object after swerving to avoid a vehicle or collision caused by another driver
  • Hitting a deer or other animal
  • Inclement Weather
  • Road conditions or unkempt roads
  • Hidden road signage
  • Obstacles in the road
  • Vehicle malfunction

Even in a single-vehicle accident, you should obtain a police report and safely document the accident scene. Doing so can help determine who bears what portion of the fault and may allow you to avoid or reduce liability. In addition to offering peace of mind, reporting the accident can help you save money or collect damages from others who are at fault or share in the fault.

Working With Pizano Insurance

Your friendly team at Pizano Insurance, serving Wayzata, MN, is ready to address all your insurance needs, including automobile insurance. Give us a call or stop in today to ensure you are appropriately covered while driving Minnesota’s roads.

Protecting Your Home from Minnesota’s Cold Weather

Winter is coming our way soon in Wayzata, MN, which means it is time to winterize your home so it will be protected from the fierce weather that is to come.

At Pizano Insurance, we expect another winter filled with chilly temperatures, strong winds, and heavy precipitation, including ice and snow. The weather experienced in our state sure makes it difficult to provide our families with energy-efficient, comfortable living spaces. Still, we have compiled a short list of some of the best ways to prepare for the upcoming frigid season.

Inspect your Roof and Gutters

Clean out each gutter and downspout thoroughly to avoid ice dams from forming. These can cause roof and wall damage. Also, thoroughly inspect your roof for damaged or loose shingles to avoid leaks and maintain proper insulation.

Insulate your Pipes

You can prevent your pipes from freezing by insulating them in advance. This is especially important in garages, basements, and attics that typically go unheated. If the weather is particularly cold, let your faucets continuously drip to keep water flowing through each pipe.

Purchase a Programmable Thermostat

These gadgets easily allow you to regulate your home’s temperature and increase your energy efficiency.

Trim your Trees

Removing dead trees or trimming their overgrown branches can keep them from damaging your property during a winter weather event, such as an ice storm.

Maintain your Furnace

Schedule a professional inspection before winter fully arrives. You will want the reassurance that your system has been checked thoroughly for any potential issues, such as leaks or dirty filters, so it can continue to run effortlessly.

Seal your Windows

Add weatherstripping or caulk around your windows and doors to seal any cracks that may lead to cold air infiltrating your home.

At Pizano Insurance, we take home maintenance and care seriously. We want you to live comfortably in your Wayzata, MN home for a long time. Of course, no one can predict emergencies, and with our comprehensive policies, you will always be prepared for the worst. To learn more, stop in today to talk with one of our knowledgeable agents.