Why All Homeowners Needs Home Insurance

When you own your own home, you need to protect that home in several ways. One of these is to have a solid home insurance policy that will give you several different types of protection. When you are buying a home, you must have your home insurance policy in place when you sign. Today, lenders virtually all require you to have it to buy the property. When it’s time to get your home policy, you can call us at Pizano Insurance in Wayzata, MN.

Dwelling Coverage

The dwelling needs coverage, and it gets it with a home policy. The building is vulnerable to several events, such as calamities and certain disasters, and home insurance protects against a wide range of them. This is coverage you need to have just in case a serious event damages your home. Without a home policy, you would have to pay those expensive repair bills yourself after such an incident, which may be unaffordable. 

Item Coverage

Your items inside your house are also expensive, and they need protection as well. Home insurance covers all of these items against destruction or damage during a severe event. After one of these incidents, replacing everything can be extremely expensive and unaffordable without home insurance. It’s important to have this coverage in place so that things can be replaced if the worst should happen. 

Liability Coverage

This coverage pays the medical bills of people who have an accident in your home. If someone came over and became injured on your property, you would be liable for their medical bills and certain other costs. Home insurance will pay that obligation for you.

Get Home Insurance Now

Call us at Pizano Insurance in Wayzata, MN when you need home insurance.

Tips to Help You When Driving in Frightful Winter Weather

During the winter, the weather outside can be frightening. If you are planning on driving home for the holidays or using winter vacation to take a road trip, you need to be careful when driving. At Pizano Insurance, serving the greater Wayzata, MN area, we want to provide tips to help you stay safe as you drive in less-than-ideal winter weather. 

Avoid Driving in the Dark or In Inclement Weather

When possible, avoid driving after dark or during periods of inclement weather, especially if you are driving on unfamiliar roads that you are not used to traveling on. This can help you avoid black ice or other dangerous conditions. 

Always Map Out Your Route and Ensure You Know Where You Are Going

Another tip that can help you stay safe when driving on unfamiliar roads in poor weather is to map out your route ahead of time and try to memorize it. Creating a route ahead of time and familiarizing yourself with it can help you avoid getting lost, missing your turn-off, or having to swerve at the last second to avoid missing a turn. 

Drive Slower Than Posted Speed Limits

Lastly, if the weather is less than ideal, always drive slower than the posted speed limit. The posted speed limits are meant to be followed in clear weather and when visibility is clear. When you are driving in the rain, snow, or icy conditions, you need to slow down. Take your time and drive safely. 

Taking the above steps can help to decrease your chances of being involved in an accident, but you cannot prevent that from happening altogether. This is why it is so important that you have auto insurance and a policy that best meets your needs. The team at Pizano Insurance, serving the greater Wayzata, MN area, can help. Call us now to learn more about obtaining a new auto insurance policy.