Five Tips for Driving Safely on Snow

Plenty of snow falls seasonally here in Albertville, MN, but that doesn’t mean that life stops, and your need to get from Point A to Point B is still very real, regardless of the white powder falling. Our insurance experts at Pizano Insurance offer tips to help you navigate your vehicle through harsh snow conditions.

1. Drive Extra Careful

One of the keys to safe winter driving is staying smooth with your steering, accelerating, and braking. Why? Jerky movements with the controls can quickly break the traction between the tires and the slippery road. Be gentle and deliberate with movements controlling the vehicle.

2. Eyes on the Prize

Should the auto begin to skid, you must look at where you want to go, not where the car is heading during the slide. This helps you restore control, while panicking only worsens the situation and can result in accidents or getting ditched.

3. Buy the Best Winter Tires You Can

If you’ve lived up north very long, you already know the importance of having superior winter tires. This is more of a survival recommendation rather than a driving tip. However, investing in snow tires gives you greater traction on ice, snow, and slush than all-season tires.

4. Carry the Right Supplies for Winter Driving

You (or someone you encounter on the road) will inevitably get stuck in the snow. Be a hero by having a snow shovel, a thick wood board for traction, and a large bag of snow-melting salt to get unstuck from roadway snow.

5. Have Adequate Auto Insurance Year Round

As a brother-owned company, Pizano Insurance has two locations: one in Wayzata, MN, and another in Albertville, MN. As an independent agency, you’ll get the best quotes from multiple carriers with one simple request. Choices are great, and we’re here to make insurance shopping a simpler experience. Contact us online or call one of our locations today.

Home Sweet Policy: Get Home Insurance to Safeguard Your Wayzata, MN Properties

Residents in the picturesque town of Wayzata experience the benefits of suburban living, lakeside beauty, and local charm. However, accidents can happen in even the most serene and protected environments, shattering your sense of peace and quiet in this suburban oasis.

Preparing for the unexpected by investing in home insurance is an excellent way to safeguard your properties. The experts at Pizano Insurance can help you and your family select the best policy options and create a customized and comprehensive Minnesota home insurance policy to meet your needs. 

How a Home Insurance Policy Can Help Safeguard Your Minnesota Properties

Severe thunderstorms, harsh weather, and floods can lead to unexpected catastrophes and expensive property damage to homes or structures. Repair and replacement can cost thousands of dollars out of pocket.

Home insurance can help offset the costs of unforeseen mishaps related to natural disasters and artificial disasters like vandalism, theft, or burglary that can affect your family’s peace of mind. 

Local homeowners with adequate coverage for water leaks or damage caused to roofs by storms sleep more easily at night when they know their home and family are protected. Minnesota residents can quickly recover from the devastating effects of storms, legal claims, and other covered perils with a homeowners insurance policy that helps to fortify their finances. 

Wayzata, MN Residents: Get a Free Home Insurance Quote! 

Please don’t wait until the unexpected happens and it is too late to get home insurance coverage! Talk to the licensed insurance professionals at Pizano Insurance and get a comprehensive home insurance quote for protecting the inside of your home, the outside of your home, and your favorite personal belongings. 

Contact an agent to request your quote today!