Coverage For Water Features and Other Property Upgrades

Let’s explore some popular upgrades for residential properties. The enhancements you choose for your property may necessitate additional home insurance coverage.

Water Features

Pools, ponds, fountains, and other outdoor water features can increase the value of your property. Since these water features can add significant value, consider seeking additional home insurance coverage.

Think about the size of the water feature you are investing in and the materials you have chosen for the upgrade. For deeper water features, consider researching liability insurance products that will provide coverage in case someone gets injured.

Additional elements like lighting, slides, and other accessories will further increase the value of a water feature, potentially requiring extra insurance coverage.


New fencing can not only offer definition to your property but also increase its value while ensuring security.

Determine the perimeter of the property that will be fenced. Research various types of fencing, including automatic, semi-automatic, and manual options.

If you are considering a new gate, assess the style you choose to add to your property. Remember, the fencing components should also be included in your current home insurance policy. This coverage will protect against wear and tear, natural weather phenomena, theft, and vandalism.

Contact Pizano Insurance

Each change you make to your property should be assessed individually. Once you’ve determined whether more insurance coverage might be needed, contact one of our agents serving Wayzata, MN. A Pizano Insurance agent will make the necessary adjustments to your home insurance policy.

Protecting Other Structures on Your Property with Home Insurance

Home insurance protects the main dwelling and extends coverage to other structures on the property. Understanding how home insurance safeguards these structures is essential for homeowners seeking comprehensive protection for their property in the Wayzata, MN, location.

Coverage for Other Structures

Other structures coverage, also known as Coverage B in home insurance policies, protects buildings and items on the property that are not part of the main dwelling. Examples include detached garages, sheds, fences, decks, gazebos, and swimming pools.

Protection Against Perils

Similar to coverage for the main dwelling, coverage for other structures protects against various perils, including fire, theft, vandalism, windstorms, hail, and more. During an event, if any covered items or structures are damaged, a claim with their insurance provider is filed to receive compensation for repairs or replacement costs.

Limits and Deductibles

Home insurance policies typically limit the coverage available for other structures, typically as a percentage of the total coverage limit for the main dwelling. Homeowners should review their policies to understand these limits and ensure adequate coverage for their other structures.

Special Considerations

Specific structures may require additional coverage or endorsements to protect them adequately. For example, detached garages or other outbuildings used for business purposes may need separate business property insurance. Similarly, features such as swimming pools or hot tubs may require liability coverage to protect against potential injuries or accidents.

Regular Maintenance and Documentation

Homeowners should perform regular maintenance and upkeep to ensure coverage for other structures remains valid. Additionally, thorough documentation of any improvements or renovations made to other structures can help expedite the claims process if anything is damaged or lost.

Let Pizano Insurance Give You the Information

Pizano Insurance can answer your home insurance questions and serves the Wayzata, MN, region. Call us today.

Can Home Insurance Cover Roof Repairs?

If the roof on your Wayzata, MN, residence needs repair or replacement, you may wonder if your home insurance will cover this project. The answer varies based on several details, such as your specific insurance carrier and the reason why your roof requires repair. It may also depend on the severity of the damage.

What’s Covered?

Roofing normally qualifies for coverage when a covered disaster or event harms it. Home insurance typically covers damage caused by house fires, hailstorms, and windstorms. The same goes for tornadoes and wildfires. Keep in mind that a deductible usually applies. Certain policies apply different deductibles to damage inflicted by high winds or hail.

Some insurers won’t cover roof damage that only affects its appearance. Your policy may provide coverage after hail or wind harms your roofing materials severely enough to undermine their purpose. This means that the damaged shingles or metal surfaces allow water to enter your home when it rains or snow melts.

What Isn’t Covered?

Home insurance won’t cover your roof if it needs repair because of gradual decay or lack of maintenance (such as heavily rusted metal roofing). The same goes for defects in manufacturing and installation. A few types of disasters are excluded from regular homeowners policies, such as earthquakes. If you own any outbuildings or have tenants renting a building from you, remember to discuss this with your agent to ensure you have the proper coverage.

Pizano Insurance can help you find a policy that adequately protects your roof and the rest of your home. Our independent agency in Wayzata, MN, allows customers to shop for policies from various major insurance companies in one place, saving considerable time. To learn more, please call Pizano Insurance at 763-447-4977.

Three Types of Protection You Get From Home Insurance

Having home insurance in place from day one is compulsory upon purchasing a home. Home insurance amalgamates several types of coverage elements into a single policy. All these components are vital, offering you financial protection in various ways. Are you planning on buying a home or considering transitioning to a different home policy? Reach out to us at Pizano Insurance in Wayzata, MN, and jumpstart the process of getting your own policy.

Structural Protection

Without home insurance, a damaging event can lead to catastrophic results. A suitable policy can cover the cost of necessary repairs or even complete rebuilding of your home if such a tragedy strikes. These costs could get exorbitantly high, something many people can’t afford without insurance.

Protection for Belongings

Home insurance doesn’t just protect the physical structure; it also cares for its contents. This coverage extends to replacing items destroyed in a damaging event. With your belongings well-covered, you can worry less about costly incidents. Replacing everything in a home without a safety net can be financially draining, emphasizing the importance of maintaining your insurance for this coverage.

Liability Protection

Another financial vulnerability for homeowners is the potential for someone to get injured on their property. You could end up responsible for their medical bills, ongoing therapy, and even their missed wages. Home insurance can cover this liability, removing this stressful burden.

Choose Pizano for Home Insurance

When you need a home policy, contact us at Pizano Insurance in Wayzata, MN. We are here to help you secure your financial future.

Reasons Why You Need a Home Insurance Review

Your home insurance shields your home and its possessions from harm and may also offer injury protection for visitors. But how often do you review your coverage? Pizano Insurance, serving the Wayzata, MN, area, believes it’s crucial to re-evaluate your policy regularly. Here’s why.

Annual Evaluation

We recommend a yearly review of home coverage to address potential changes or compare rates. Our agents are ready to provide quotes and help you navigate through the options.

Major Home Improvements

If you’ve renovated or upgraded your home significantly, you might need to adjust your policy accordingly. This adjustment ensures that your insurance covers these modifications in case of a loss claim.

Outdoor Additions

Outdoor changes could impact your home insurance needs. It’s essential to ensure you have coverage for possible accidents involving outsiders on your property.

No matter how long you’ve had your policy or any home alterations you’ve made, Pizano Insurance has various options to suit your needs. If you are in the Wayzata, MN area, reach out to us today for a home insurance review.

The Importance of Preventing Ice From Forming On Your Walkways and Driveway

Winter Wisdom: Preventing Ice for a Safer Home

Pizano Insurance stands as a guardian for your home’s safety in the serene landscapes of the Wayzata, MN area. Today, we unravel the importance of preventing ice from forming on your walkways and driveway, ensuring a secure haven during winter.

Safety First: Minimizing Slip and Fall Risks

Icy walkways and driveways pose significant risks, especially in regions with chilly winters. Preventing ice formation is crucial to minimize the likelihood of slip and fall accidents, safeguarding the well-being of your family, visitors, and even delivery personnel. Preventing slips and falls can minimize injury and prevent you from being involved in a potential personal injury lawsuit.

Protecting Your Home’s Structural Integrity

Beyond personal safety, addressing ice formation is essential for preserving your home’s structural integrity. Ice can lead to water damage as it melts and refreezes, infiltrating cracks and causing potential harm to foundations, walkways, and driveways.

Practical Prevention Tips

  1. Regular Snow Removal: Promptly remove snow after each snowfall to prevent its compaction into ice.
  2. Use of Deicers: Apply environmentally friendly deicers to minimize surface ice formation.
  3. Proper Insulation: Ensure adequate insulation in attics and roofs to prevent ice dams, reducing the risk of water damage.

Connecting with Pizano Insurance for Peace of Mind

For personalized advice on safeguarding your home and comprehensive coverage options in the Wayzata, MN, area, connect with Pizano Insurance. Our team is dedicated to providing insurance solutions and valuable insights to keep your home secure throughout the winter. Call us today or visit our website for more information about home insurance policies and embrace a safer winter for your home.

Home Sweet Policy: Get Home Insurance to Safeguard Your Wayzata, MN Properties

Residents in the picturesque town of Wayzata experience the benefits of suburban living, lakeside beauty, and local charm. However, accidents can happen in even the most serene and protected environments, shattering your sense of peace and quiet in this suburban oasis.

Preparing for the unexpected by investing in home insurance is an excellent way to safeguard your properties. The experts at Pizano Insurance can help you and your family select the best policy options and create a customized and comprehensive Minnesota home insurance policy to meet your needs. 

How a Home Insurance Policy Can Help Safeguard Your Minnesota Properties

Severe thunderstorms, harsh weather, and floods can lead to unexpected catastrophes and expensive property damage to homes or structures. Repair and replacement can cost thousands of dollars out of pocket.

Home insurance can help offset the costs of unforeseen mishaps related to natural disasters and artificial disasters like vandalism, theft, or burglary that can affect your family’s peace of mind. 

Local homeowners with adequate coverage for water leaks or damage caused to roofs by storms sleep more easily at night when they know their home and family are protected. Minnesota residents can quickly recover from the devastating effects of storms, legal claims, and other covered perils with a homeowners insurance policy that helps to fortify their finances. 

Wayzata, MN Residents: Get a Free Home Insurance Quote! 

Please don’t wait until the unexpected happens and it is too late to get home insurance coverage! Talk to the licensed insurance professionals at Pizano Insurance and get a comprehensive home insurance quote for protecting the inside of your home, the outside of your home, and your favorite personal belongings. 

Contact an agent to request your quote today! 

Protecting Your Home from Minnesota’s Cold Weather

Winter is coming our way soon in Wayzata, MN, which means it is time to winterize your home so it will be protected from the fierce weather that is to come.

At Pizano Insurance, we expect another winter filled with chilly temperatures, strong winds, and heavy precipitation, including ice and snow. The weather experienced in our state sure makes it difficult to provide our families with energy-efficient, comfortable living spaces. Still, we have compiled a short list of some of the best ways to prepare for the upcoming frigid season.

Inspect your Roof and Gutters

Clean out each gutter and downspout thoroughly to avoid ice dams from forming. These can cause roof and wall damage. Also, thoroughly inspect your roof for damaged or loose shingles to avoid leaks and maintain proper insulation.

Insulate your Pipes

You can prevent your pipes from freezing by insulating them in advance. This is especially important in garages, basements, and attics that typically go unheated. If the weather is particularly cold, let your faucets continuously drip to keep water flowing through each pipe.

Purchase a Programmable Thermostat

These gadgets easily allow you to regulate your home’s temperature and increase your energy efficiency.

Trim your Trees

Removing dead trees or trimming their overgrown branches can keep them from damaging your property during a winter weather event, such as an ice storm.

Maintain your Furnace

Schedule a professional inspection before winter fully arrives. You will want the reassurance that your system has been checked thoroughly for any potential issues, such as leaks or dirty filters, so it can continue to run effortlessly.

Seal your Windows

Add weatherstripping or caulk around your windows and doors to seal any cracks that may lead to cold air infiltrating your home.

At Pizano Insurance, we take home maintenance and care seriously. We want you to live comfortably in your Wayzata, MN home for a long time. Of course, no one can predict emergencies, and with our comprehensive policies, you will always be prepared for the worst. To learn more, stop in today to talk with one of our knowledgeable agents.

The Importance of Deicing Your Sidewalks During the Winter Months

Keeping your sidewalks clear of ice during winter is not just a matter of convenience; it’s a safety imperative. At Pizano Insurance, serving Wayzata, MN, we want to help you understand the importance of deicing your sidewalks to prevent accidents and ensure a safer environment for everyone.

Safety First

Deicing your sidewalks is crucial for safety. Icy walkways pose a significant risk of slips and falls, which can result in serious injuries. By keeping your sidewalks ice-free, you’re protecting pedestrians, including yourself and your neighbors.

Legal Obligations

In many regions, property owners are legally obligated to maintain safe pathways during winter. Failing to deice your sidewalks can lead to legal liabilities if someone gets injured on your property. It’s not just a matter of good neighborly conduct; it’s a legal responsibility.

Preventing Property Damage

Ice can be destructive not only to people but also to your property. As ice expands, it can damage your home’s sidewalks, driveways, and even the foundation. Deicing helps prevent these costly damages, saving you money in the long run.

Environmental Considerations

Choosing suitable deicing materials is essential. Some chemicals can harm the environment and vegetation. Opt for eco-friendly deicers to minimize the ecological impact while ensuring safety.

Deicing your sidewalks during the winter months is a responsibility beyond personal convenience. It’s about safety, legal obligations, and protecting your property. This is important to help protect you against lawsuits. Having the best home insurance policy can also help cover you in case of an accident. Reach out to Pizano Insurance, serving Wayzata, MN, to learn more about obtaining a new home insurance policy to fully protect yourself and your assets against lawsuits caused by accidents. 

Smart Homes, Smarter Insurance: How Technology Is Revolutionizing Home Insurance

Technology is transforming various aspects of our lives, including how we protect our homes in and around Wayzata, MN. Smart homes are becoming increasingly popular, changing how we live and revolutionizing the home insurance industry. 

Home Monitoring and Security Systems

One of the most significant advancements in smart homes is integrating monitoring and security systems. In real-time, these systems can detect and alert homeowners to potential risks, such as burglaries, fires, and water leaks. Insurance companies are taking notice of these smart security features and often offer discounts to homeowners. 

IoT Devices and Sensors

The Internet of Things (IoT) has paved the way for interconnected devices and sensors throughout our homes. Smart thermostats, smoke detectors, water leak sensors, and more can provide valuable data to homeowners and insurers. For instance, a water leak sensor can alert homeowners to a potential issue, allowing the insurance company to mitigate the risks. 

Personalized Coverage

Smart home technology enables insurers to provide more personalized coverage based on real-time data. For example, homeowners who regularly monitor their property with security cameras may be eligible for reduced premiums, as they are less likely to file a claim. 

Faster Claims Processing

Technology can streamline the claims process in the unfortunate event of a claim. Smart home devices can provide valuable evidence, such as security camera footage, to support a claim. 

Home Maintenance and Risk Prevention

Smart home technology can help homeowners proactively maintain their homes and prevent potential risks. For instance, smart thermostats can optimize energy usage, reducing the risk of fires caused by faulty electrical systems. 

Pizano Insurance Can Help You

At Pizano Insurance, we can answer all your questions concerning home insurance. We assist the Wayzata, MN area. Contact us today.