How Comprehensive Auto Insurance Saves You in the Long Run

Here at Pizano Insurance, our team gets excited about auto insurance packages! After all, most love to do the latter when paying a monthly auto insurance premium or spending that money on a fun date night out. Yet, while auto insurance isn’t the most fun thing, it does offer some incredible financial and legal protection that can save you a lot of headaches down the line. This is especially true if you invest in a quality comprehensive auto insurance policy for your Wayzata, MN vehicle. 

Comprehensive auto insurance is an optional type of insurance policy that steps in and pays out in just about any accident that is non-collision related. While it does require paying more upfront or monthly premium amounts, it can often save you significantly in the long run. 

How Comprehensive Auto Insurance Saves You in the Long Run

Comprehensive auto insurance kicks in in the event of just about any non-collision-related accident. Consider if your vehicle was stolen and the thieves destroyed your interior. Your comprehensive auto insurance policy will cover the costs of reclaiming and cleaning your vehicle. If your vehicle is never found, then comprehensive insurance will reimburse you for the vehicle itself. This same thing goes if your vehicle is damaged or destroyed in other non-collision events like natural disasters and even collisions with animals like deer. Animal collisions and weather-related damage, such as from hailstorms, are two of the more common threats you’ll have as a Wayzata, MN, and greater Minnesota driver. The costs to otherwise repair following such events can be prohibitively expensive without insurance and risk severely devaluing the vehicle’s resale price. 

Contact Our Team at Pizano Insurance to Learn More

Isn’t it time to update your insurance policy with one that covers it all? Contact our team at Pizano Insurance to learn more about comprehensive auto insurance policies.